Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Lovely notions!

Vintage Snaps!


Tuesday, 23 September 2008

A Little Look at Real Silk

Milady Hosiery Service Kit
(circa 1930's)
from Real Silk Hosiery Mills, Inc.
Indiannapolis, Ind.

Real Silk Company was founded in 1922
by J.A. and L.L. Goodman.
The company ran knitting mills which
manufacture hosiery, lingerie, and underwear.
At its peak, the company's sales volume
averaged more than 1 million dozen pairs
of women's hosiery a year.


The original purpose of this
blog was to showcase and perhaps
sell sewing items that I have
Due to many circumstances
this has become impossible this
After moving house and after
Christmas 2008, the production
should be able to continue in
the New Year - but until
then, I will show you
some of the vintage
notions that I have amongst my
sewing collection.
While my blog "crazyhaberdasher"
is also about the vintage sewing
collection, on "haveanotion" I will
show you "another side" of the collection.
Please do remember that the posts
wont always be as frequent as they
should be due to moving house.